
A Culture of Creativity & Getting Stuff Done

I often get asked, "what's Croatia like" which launches me into an effusive description of the land, the people, the economy and the culture. The facts about Croatia are interesting:

  • Population: 4.4 million
  • GDP per Capita: $18,000
  • Time Zone: Boston + 6 hours

But what sets Croatia apart from almost anywhere I've traveled or worked is the culture of stick-to-itiveness and getting things done combined with extraordinary creativity. A great example I stumbled across just today is the picture above which shows a replica wrought iron VW built by Croatian iron works company MG Vrbanus...and get this, they built it as a marketing tool!

And I see it on a daily basis with our 100+ engineers and developers in their approach to solving our clients' toughest problems, but it's pervasive throughout the country. I don't know where it comes from, but maybe it's partially the result of surviving (but not bearing the full brunt) of Communist rule in former Yugoslavia or maybe it's just years of experience stretching from Roman times taming the sea and the elements. In any case, it's fun to see and great to be a part of.