Extension Engine

Furqan Nazeeri

Furqan Nazeeri is a Partner at Extension Engine. He regularly speaks on innovation in online learning and has 20+ years of experience building and managing high-performance teams. Prior to Extension Engine, Furqan was a founder/CEO of VC-backed Pivot Inc. (acquired by NASDAQ:CME) and EIR at Softbank Capital. He has a BSE in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Harvard University.

Recent Posts

Overview of edX Studio

The edX platform consists of two primary user interfaces: the LMS and Studio. The LMS is what students use to interact with the course material, the instructor and each other. It is the part of the edX platform that most people are familiar with.

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More Clicks Fewer Bricks: The Lecture Hall Is Obsolete – A Debate Review

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Overview of Open edX

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Student For Life

Huge forces are at play in higher education these days that are driving changes faster than at anytime before. The most obvious and striking change in education is the cost, which has more than doubled in the past 30 years when adjusted for inflation.

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Demographic Differences in How Students Navigate Through MOOCs

New research recently published by Dr. Guo at the University of Rochester and Dr. Reinecke at the University of Michigan looks at data from over 100,000 students who took edX courses in the fall of 2012 and was able to draw some valuable conclusions on design changes to MOOCs in general that will improve the platforms.

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