
Call for input into Open edX Adaptive Working Group

As we recently described, Open edX recently launched the Adaptive Learning Working Group. All of its members are tasked in the next couple of weeks to put together a set of use cases for adaptive learning within the Open edX platform (and, thus, at …that will then be used to drive development on the platform.
Consider this our call for input into Open edX Adaptive Working Group.

What are your answers to the following?

  • How would your organization like to use adaptive learning within an Open edX environment (in a perfect world)? or
  • How is your organization currently using adaptive learning (and you hadn't even considered the possibility that Open edX could use adaptive learning)?

If you're at a college or university, be sure to think about the possibilities in pre-matriculation and post-graduation as well as with for-credit and MOOCs. Or if you work in industry, think about training that you do for your employees but also training you might do for marketing and sales outreach.

We want to ensure that the set of use cases is as complete as possible, representing many different points on the spectrum. Let me know with either an email or by leaving a comment below if you have a use case for adaptive learning. We want to ensure that the interests of as many possible users as possible are reflected as the platform is developed.

Even a short email or comment within the next week would be helpful. Thanks.