
Introducing Scott Moore

 My passion is creating great learning experiences that both work for students and make sense for the institutions providing them. As Chief Learning Strategist at ExtensionEngine my role is to help institutions navigate the transition to online- and blended-learning.

I was a tenured faculty member at the University of Michigan for 20+ years and led the undergraduate business programs at both the Ross School of Business at Michigan and Babson College. I have personal experience with the pleasures and pains of the process of creating and educating students at a distance. I know that online education can be a powerful, effective, and flexible way of educating students.

With all of ExtensionEngine’s resources and expertise, we can help institutions of higher education in the following ways (among others):

  • Go from “I have a class that I’d like to put online” to an implemented online learning resource that is organized either as a traditional for-credit class to a competency-based, adaptive, or gamified educational experience
  • Minimize the daily worries of the technical challenges of keeping an online class running
  • Provide an experienced partner in exploring both the ins-and-outs of competency-based education (CBE), adaptive learning, gamification and how an organization might experiment with these approaches in pre-matriculation and post-graduation contexts.

I look forward to helping higher education institutions deliver online educational experiences that students are excited about, that faculty enjoy creating and delivering, and that fit into an institution’s budgets and future plans.