
Online Learning 3.0 is Happening and You're Probably Behind

 We are willing to bet that there isn’t a training director anywhere who doesn’t wonder if their organization’s training is all it could be. It’s a disappointing thought because in most cases your online training reflects a lot of thought, resources, and expense.

Still, when one compares what appears in most online learning modules to how other media, like video and gaming, have used advances in technology, it’s hard to avoid noticing how lackluster much online learning and training is.

Presentations are largely talking head videos or just plain text; there is almost no way to get a lively discussion among employees going; assessments are limited to multiple-choice quizzes; and analytics are nominal.

Is this the best we can do in 2017? If not, what is the next step? Take a look at this white paper, Online Learning 3.0 is Happening and You're Probably behind.

You can download it here.

The major obstacle to more dynamic presentations, increased interactions among students and faculty, deeper methods of assessment, and more useful analytics is the learning management system (LMS).

The white paper traces the evolution of online learning from the early days of 1.0 through the improvements of online learning 2.0, and describes some of the capabilities now becoming available with online learning 3.0 — all based on the capabilities of the LMS and the success of some to bend the LMS to their will.

More important, we reveal a road map to bringing an organization’s online learning or training program up to par, regardless of the LMS you are currently using. The road map is incremental and doable, even with limited talent and resources.

If that sounds like an enticing idea, take a look at the white paper.

Download the whitepaper.