
We're Sponsoring the 2016 Open edX Conference

We're excited to sponsor the 2016 Open edX Conference at Stanford University from June  14-16.

Open edX is a tremendous open source platform that enables elite institutions to create remarkable online learning experiences.   The conference will bring together thought leaders from all aspects of the Open edX community, including Open edX developers, designers, practictioners and partners.  The community is growing with many new users, vendors, and enthusiasts.  We're excited to see what the community has been working on to enhance the possibilities for Open edX hosting, theming, and customization.

Our Chief Learning Strategiest, Dr. Scott Moore and Head of Instructional Design, Jared Moore will be giving talks about our client work and how to create Custom Learning Experiences.  We'll also be hosting a meetup session for the  Open edX Adaptive Learning Working Group

Here is the official announcement from Open edX

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the event!