
Custom Learning Experiences: When No LMS Will Do

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If you provide training to external audiences for revenue or to create impact - what is sometimes referred to as commercial training or extended enterprise - how do you remain competitive in the online learning space? By creating compelling, user-centric, differentiated training programs that stand out in the market. The question is, can you do that with your learning platform?

Why Out-of-the-Box Functionality Falls Short

There are two platform options for developing online external training, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Custom Learning Experiences. Initially, many external training programs look to the out-of-the-box functionality of an LMS. Yet, with over 700 LMSs available today, many of these programs are coming up short when it comes to showcasing unique offerings, or “special sauce”, to remain competitive and drive revenue.

Most LMSs were built for internal learning and development and off the shelf courseware. The thing is, you don’t need to worry about attracting learners and engaging and supporting voluntary customers with mandatory, internal training, right?

Custom Learning Experiences = Differentiation

So how do you successfully bring your offering into the online space in a differentiated way to continuously build your customer-base and drive revenue? Many higher-end learning providers have turned to the second option, “Custom Learning Experiences”, to sell more content and to differentiate in the marketplace.

John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning - named one of the top 20 corporate elearning movers and shakers of 2017 - has teamed up with ExtensionEngine’s Principal Learning Strategist, Edward Daciuk, to host a webinar on Custom Learning Experiences.

If you’re developing online training programs for revenue or impact, join us to learn about:

  • The characteristics of Custom Learning Experiences
  • How Custom Learning Experiences can differentiate your training business
  • When this approach makes sense, and when it doesn’t
  • Bussiness drivers for Custom Learning Experiences vs. standard LMS solutions
  • The technology behind Custom Learning Experiences
  • Steps to creating a multi-year strategy
  • Real-world examples of Custom Learning Experiences

Talented Learning is the leading source in building awareness and adoption of learning technology that adds business value - primarily for extended enterprise.

Learn about how a Custom Learning Experience, like the ones we build at ExtensionEngine, can help you differentiate your training business in the online space.

This webinar has been recorded. Use the button below to access the recorded webinar.

View the Webinar

Continue Reading: Fergus Wood, Head of Digital Learning at FitchLearning, talks about why they chose a Custom Learning Experience over an LMS. Learn how they drive revenue from high-end online learning in this recorded webinar.