Extension Engine

Dr. Scott Moore

Dr. Scott Moore is a former Principal Learning Strategist at Extension Engine. In this role, he led the global Custom Learning Experience practice. He worked with dozens of nonprofit, higher education, and learning business organizations as they considered using online learning to support their mission and margin, using his deep understanding of organizational dynamics, online learning, strategic differentiation, decision-making, and more. Prior to joining Extension Engine, he was a faculty member, administrator, and dean at Michigan Ross and Babson College for 20+ years. He holds an M.B.A. from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Decision Sciences from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Recent Posts

Improving alumni engagement

For many colleges the point at which it differentiates itself is the quality of its faculty and its curriculum. Historically, the only way for a college to expose its alumni to its faculty was to get the alumni back to campus on homecoming weekend.

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MOOCs & open source learning platform trending up

While the MOOC hype stage is definitely over, we have clearly moved into the productive stage where companies and higher ed are just quietly using the tool productively. Not only are MOOCs gaining in acceptance, the Open edX platform is a freely available open source learning platform for any organization who wants to create their own courses. What might you do with it?

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Building a community at the Open edX Conference 2015

As lead sponsor for the Open edX Conference 2015, we were thrilled at the turnout and the energy from such a diverse attendance — global attendance, higher ed & industry, IT consultants & internal IT staff. Clearly there is much excitement and activity around the Open edX platform.

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Writing an RFP for a MOOC

At ExtensionEngine, we see lots of RFPs. MOOCs (and online classes, generally) are what we do, so we thought a few guidelines would help these organizations put together an RFP that covers what needs to be covered. Here are our top 10 recommendations …

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Join us at the Open edX Conference in October 2015

Here at ExtensionEngine, we are quite excited about the Open edX platform, the community of developers and users, and our role in both. In case you don’t know, Open edX is a free and open source course management system (CMS) originally developed by edX as a joint venture between Harvard and MIT.

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