Extension Engine

Why Our Nonprofit Needs a Custom Online Learning Platform

At the New Teacher Center, we work with educators every day to provide them with support to be truly effective. We understand that students are unique — individual learners with individual needs. Teachers and teacher leaders must have an arsenal of approaches to be able to respond to their students.

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Breaking Down the Digital Learning Environment and NGDLE

If you’re a leader or an educator at an academic institution, you’re already well acquainted with the many benefits of digital learning:

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3 Useful Lessons for Creating Online Certification Programs

Like many organizations, one of our greatest challenges at the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) is to provide relevant learning and continuous professional development to our members and students.

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Two Biggest Mistakes Management Consultants Make with Online Learning

Management consultants sit prominently on the leading edge of business — which explains why so many of them have implemented online learning programs.

Educational outreach that teaches basic and advanced business skills can not only be a profitable venture in its own right, but it can also help a consultancy to differentiate in the market, leverage their intellectual property or brand, generate new client relationships, and consolidate long-term relationships with existing clients.

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6 Ways to Gain Faculty Support for Online Learning

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I have the unique privilege of viewing the development of online learning from three different lenses — as former faculty and program head at the Michigan Ross School of Business, as former dean at Babson College, and now as Principal Learning Strategist at Extension Engine.

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