Extension Engine

Why Our Nonprofit Needs a Custom Online Learning Platform

At the New Teacher Center, we work with educators every day to provide them with support to be truly effective. We understand that students are unique — individual learners with individual needs. Teachers and teacher leaders must have an arsenal of approaches to be able to respond to their students.

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Five Quick Tips for Nonprofits and Associations Creating Online Learning

From a Talented Learning podcast with the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

One challenge associations face is providing value to members and member employers. Done right, online learning can help meet this challenge.

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Are microdegrees a sustainable business model?

As universities move toward unbundled degrees — most often referred to as “microcredentials” or “microdegrees” — we have to ask, “What’s going on here? Is this the next wave in online learning evolution? Is this some sort of shift to blended learning? Is this really about technology at all?”

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Online programs in higher ed: Who determines strategy? Excellence or standardization?

Extension Engine’s perspective — We believe that online strategy should be set at the highest levels and that excellence should be prioritized over standardization. What did recent webinar attendees think?

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What is the role of standardization in online learning?

We hosted a webinar with Eduventures’ Principal Analyst Howard Lurie and our own Dr. Scott Moore. Before we recap the conversation, I want to share what was unique about this event: the format.

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