Extension Engine

3 Useful Lessons for Creating Online Certification Programs

Like many organizations, one of our greatest challenges at the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) is to provide relevant learning and continuous professional development to our members and students.

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Extension Engine to create a custom learning experience for New Teacher Center

Extension Engine, a leading provider of custom learning experiences, today announced it is developing a new online learning platform for New Teacher Center (NTC), a national nonprofit organization focused on improving student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of teachers and school leaders.

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Disenablement and the Loss of the Higher Ed Soul

It’s a well-known physiological fact that if you don’t continually use a muscle, it becomes weaker and will eventually atrophy. If you do your child’s homework (some parents actually do this), chances are they will have trouble making it on their own in college. If you are in Paris and everyone speaks English to you, you may forget what French you know.

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Five Quick Tips for Nonprofits and Associations Creating Online Learning

From a Talented Learning podcast with the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

One challenge associations face is providing value to members and member employers. Done right, online learning can help meet this challenge.

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Are microdegrees a sustainable business model?

As universities move toward unbundled degrees — most often referred to as “microcredentials” or “microdegrees” — we have to ask, “What’s going on here? Is this the next wave in online learning evolution? Is this some sort of shift to blended learning? Is this really about technology at all?”

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