Extension Engine

Two Issues Small Colleges Face in Online Learning

Student enrollments in online learning continue to increase but are very concentrated in public institutions and large private universities. Left out in the cold — and seemingly content to remain there — are the smaller private institutions.

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Expectations for Online Learning

Goldie Blumenstyk’s recent column, Online Learning Is Misunderstood. Here’s How,” in The Chronicle of Higher Education, raises compelling issues about online learning.

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How are you going to differentiate your online learning business?

We exhibited at the DevLearn show in Las Vegas last week, and it was an interesting experience. Well, of course just being in Las Vegas is an interesting experience. But more relevant to the interests of our blog readers is the experience we had in our conversations with conference attendees.

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Brightline Initiative Taps Extension Engine to Create Online Learning Solution

Extension Engine, a leading provider of custom learning experiences, announced it has developed an online learning program for the Brightline™ Initiative to help business leaders turn their ideas into reality and drive change within their organizations.

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A Response to SUNY's Request for Information (RFI)

The online program management (OPM) landscape is a confusing one, the result of rapid evolution and an ever-greater assortment of businesses keen on winning their share of what has become a very lucrative market. We do not envy the task of any institution of higher learning seeking to upgrade their online learning program, and even less one considering the launch of their first program.

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