Extension Engine

How MOOCs Can Attract and Retain The Millennial Workforce

We recently came across a survey that took a peek into the mind of the Millennial workforce with regard to training, professional development, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). It yielded some noteworthy results.

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Anytime, Anywhere: The Future of Online and Hybrid Learning

In honor of National Education Week, the Lumina Foundation sponsored an event at Washington DC’s 1776, a startup incubator on 15th Street. The event, “Online and Hybrid: The Future of Learning Anytime, Anywhere,” included a panel of experts in education technologies, including John J. DeGioia, …

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Improve your College Ranking with MOOCs

The 2015 U.S. News and World Report college rankings were recently released, an annual event anticipated not only by administrators and faculty but also by students and alumni. Student interest is a no brainer: attending a top school can lead to a more desirable first job and greases the skids for long-term career success.

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Going MOOC: Getting Faculty Buy In

So your institution is thinking of offering some MOOCs. Great idea! There are a number of benefits to “going MOOC,” not the least of which is what Massive Open Online Courses can do for an institution’s branding. It doesn’t hurt your reputation one bit to have your courses listed alongside those of Harvard, Stanford and MIT.

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The Evolution Of Learning Technology And Education In The Information Age

For the last hundred years, many technologies have promised to revolutionize education. Historically, these technologies increased the reach of courses, at the expense of quality. However, MOOCs could perhaps be the first platform …

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