Extension Engine

Is the OPM model dead?

A few weeks ago, The Atlantic published an excellent article on OPMs. The article was critical of both the revenue share model and marketing techniques OPMs use on behalf of not-for-profit higher education institutions. As a leading provider of custom learning experiences to higher education, an alternative to OPMs, we share this point of view.

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What is a Custom Learning Experience?

We believe that organizations with a mission to do great things, things that really matter, can advance their strategy and mission through learning. But we think most learning, especially online learning, fails at this. It’s boring. It doesn’t stick. It’s antiquated. It’s hard. It all looks the same.  

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We're Sponsoring the 2016 Open edX Conference

We're excited to sponsor the 2016 Open edX Conference at Stanford University from June  14-16.

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It’s not about discount rates, it’s about declining net tuition

On Tuesday, Inside Higher Ed published an article discussing the impact of rising discount rates across higher education institutions. The article hinges on the data shown in the chart below. It indicates discount rates now average 48.6% for first-time freshman and 42.5% for all undergraduates. These rates are at all time highs.

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xMOOC vs cMOOC? Defining Common MOOC Terms

Over the past few years, the fields of education and technology have rapidly expanded.

Along with this expansion came a myriad of new lexicons, terms, and acronyms— many related to MOOCs.

One of the common questions I see about these MOOC terms is: What is an xMOOC vs. a cMOOC?

Here's the difference between the two:

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