Extension Engine

Five Quick Tips for Nonprofits and Associations Creating Online Learning

From a Talented Learning podcast with the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

One challenge associations face is providing value to members and member employers. Done right, online learning can help meet this challenge.

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Gaps in Online Learning? A Problem with a Solution.

The New York Times recently ran an editorial, “Online Courses are Harming the Students who Need the Most Help,” that paints a picture of online learning as a wedge further dividing those with strong academic skills from less proficient students.  

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Virtual Reality at Penn State — Why Bother?

I recently attended the 2018 ELI Annual Meeting, a conference dedicated to progress in higher education innovation, as most of them are these days.

One of the best sessions I went to was “Effective Educational Applications,” and it wasn’t the best just because we were introduced to an interesting application of virtual reality in the classroom.

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Get Your Game On: Benefits of Gamification in Online Learning

Gamification is a big buzz word in the UX and online learning world. Many people get it confused with game design, which it is not. Game design is just that — the act of creating an actual game such as Sims or Angry Birds.

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10 Best Practices for Online Learning Program Development

When I was a professor (not all that long ago), designing a class was not much more complicated than “figure out what you want to teach, and then talk about that and give an exam.” Moving a course online within an online or hybrid program requires, shall we say, a bit more insight and planning. To give youan idea of the kind of planning we think is necessary, our team put together the following 10 best practices for online learning program development.

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